July 24, 2020

Dear Nora, I had a fight with my husband this morning and this day has been utter crap. No, that’s not it. Dear Nora, this prompt is a nightmare. It’s been rolling around in my head for a week. At least ten possibilities birthed and summarily dismissed—in the shower as I lathered up my special…

May 21, 2020

written by Pam Warren May 22, 2020  I’ve always taken pride in my ability to connect with my students. I know them and know how to reach them. An occasional reminder was needed for some students to sit up, please don’t roll on the floor, and yes, once and only once – we don’t lick…

April 14, 2020

by Rachel Steuermann When the doctor says it’s okay… While observed in April, to me, every month is Autism Awareness Month. My son, Brian, diagnosed with autism at 18 months, is now 24 years old. For a little over a year, he’s been living in a house with four autistic young men as part of…